another "long" Weekend in the mountains, the Alps to the Colle di Sampeyre, and more pics!

Weekend a little unfortunate from the perspective of “climate”, and even the landscape turned slightly yellowed, seemed already September, probably for “African” temperatures of this last summer.

Between passing clouds, humidity and even though we stopped for 3 nights, we obtained 2 only a couple of shots with DSLR, the room cooled CMOS we couldn’t even turn it on, anyway we brought home the passage of Comet PanSTARRS C/2015 ER61, now the 10th magnitude beside the known open cluster M45 (Pleiades), below the picture :

le Pleiadi e la cometa PanSTARRS C/2015ER61

And added over 2 hours of exposure per hour and half shot on weekends in July, in NGC7023 Iris Nebula Cepheus, was my worthy even shorter focal length fixed photograph (400 mm) and here is the result:

NGC7023 - the Iris Nebula

I fear that this year was our last adventure in the Alps, we console ourselves thinking about the new moon at the end of September, where we will be for 10 days in Corsica with telescopes and camping-car!

more photos on the alps for this weekend:

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