Tutorial: how I developed this photo of the milky way-updated, all three videos are now online!

To give practical examples to those who want to get into this kind of photos, I decided to leave the base, a shot wide field of the milky way, aiming at its zenith, which is above our heads.

The image was created by me and Valentina on the night of July 8, 2016 to 2400 meters in the Alps, usual Colle di Sampeyre. We used a skywatcher StarAdventurer, a Canon EOS 50d CentralDS set to 2500iso and 170 sec /shot with a Sigma 10-20 mm EX DC hsm  opened at f/5.6, about 30min of total exposure time.

This is a series of shots that are processed, how do any astrophotography in stacking or combining all shots of the field of view, and to be clear, we started by individual RAW shots like this:

a good focusing and under a dark sky as the Western Alps,  but doesn’t have the incisiveness and the detail of the final image, though we try to balance the colors on the single shot:

The set of tutorials that we present, lasting just under an hour divided into three separate tutorials will not enter into the merits of each individual step but will try to give a smattering minimum steps, one by one, leading to get the image taken of the milky way on the cover.
We will include in the future more detailed tutorials of specific functions, but you must first define a workflow processing, so then to apply with full knowledge of the facts and specific understanding of more complex processing in it.

I have already posted online all three video tutorials in Mp4 format, and English (text only, no audio) with the first of six 6 minutes total to 35 Mbytes, the second episode of 12 minutes for a weight of 75 Mbytes and the third, the most dense, approximately 25 minutes for a weight of 180 Mbytes.

With the first video we’ll start from the raw shots taken with our camera DSLR and we will regulate the image colors produced and correct the range. All with a very famous free software, Deepskystacker (available from: http://deepskystacker.free.fr/english/index.html) and to produce a final image, which we will compare with the other and we will use to produce the final image of the milky way that you saw on this site and on various social networks.

To see the first full video you can become our supporters through a  5$ as obolus on Selz.

Attached to each video-tutorials of this set, you will find the file “stacked” to load with Deepskystacker. TIF and the FITS file to upload to Startools, to make yourself exercise on the same raw file! 

The second video requires the use of software Startools (for a fee, but you can download the demo): http://www.startools.org
And is about to throw a second image streatchata, which will also calibrate the color and range, with the software mentioned above, based on an uncalibrated image generated by Deepskystacker as indicated in the previous VideoTutorial.

a small preview:

and the file available on the Selz and costs 5 euros:

The last video finishes processing, and that includes the use of commercial software Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom (but which can also be done with opensource software like Gimp, is just one example which you can follow and maybe even improve) is online, this is a small preview for free on youtube:

The third episode is available on the Selz and costs 5 euros:

We hope to have done something to please the many who ask us how to photograph the milky way and soon we will also publish a guide “step by step” that will also address the practical aspect, not to be underestimated!


Thank you so much to those who support us! ♣

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