Wind of renewal on catalogs DSO?

A few days ago a post on social network Facebook from Robert Gendler, shared by a friend , a Taiwan stargazer, has aroused my curiosity! Robert, a great American astrophotographer, posted an image created by combining shots of amateur Astrophotographers including Adam Block (known for its beautiful planetary astroimmagine especially) to the data of the Japanese Observatory SUBARO targeting NGC7129, fascinating object and that it is not retractable in such detail by amateur telescopes but with the “push up” or “nandrolone” for sin no sexism of the filming of the great Subaru Telescope the result is a beautiful picture of this object, if not the best till now well developed and made public.
What inspired the title of this article is the fact that the same Gendler asserted and translate it literally:

“This is a new composite image of the star-forming region ngc 7129., the image was assembled from data of the Subaru Telescope (656 NM) and a variety of short focal length data/lunga amateur. Collaboration team includes me, Roberto Colombari, Eric Recurt, and Adam Block. I don’t remember seeing the strands at the top, to the right of the image and around the field at any first image. “

I think it’s good news for all those “crazy” as we spend effort and money in this hobby, and above all to fans somehow can try to contribute to discovery in any way new “details” or even new objects of deep space, allowing you to move your attention to these images even on the “scientific” and not just pure image and the beauty in the same grant only “aesthetic sense”.

I refer you to the image and the post published on the website of Robert Gendler:

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